Monday, September 24, 2012

Advantages of a artificial grass

Permanent Green: Lets take all year with a lawn look Vernal. Protection from ultraviolet rays that damage the materials.

Maintenance Free: The synthetic grass has hardly any maintenance cost. No need for watering, weeding, cutting, etc.

Optimal Simulation: No significant differences between the natural grass. Good flexibility, comfort, does not cause soiling.

Durability: Lifetime of 10 years or more. The synthetic grass is suitable for intensive use and harsh. You can put a pool surface that will not damage the synthetic grass.

Economy: Investment recovered in short time. All the time required for maintenance is subsequently used for leisure.

Sustainability: The synthetic grass, does not need water to survive. Natural resources are not affected by pesticides, causing water pollution and reproduction of insects and bacteria.
Annually: Climate change does not affect the use of the spaces.

Compatibility Of Synthetic Grass

Placement: The synthetic turf can be placed on any suitably strong and firm ground and that is not in contact with soil. Ex: in cement, sidewalks or properly compacted stone dust.

Decoration with inert materials: There are different types of decorative stones or other inert materials that may be used together with the synthetic grass. You can thus give a personal touch to your garden.

Natural Plants: All kinds of plants / trees can be or be placed in an area with synthetic grass. The irrigation systems can be placed or not with synthetic turf.

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