Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How to care synthetic grass

Grass is hardware synthesis indoor soccer called futsal. Futsal is now widely among children to adults, in addition to easy dibuthkan players in this sport tend to be very small. Grass for futsal used for futsal futsal is usually grass with synthetic grass. Synthetic grass, or better known to laymen VIVATURF artificial turf was installed by using a glue stick or glue on the carpet that has been provided in futsal.

How to care synthetic grass is certainly very different from the existing natural grass field at the football stadium. Unlike grass soccer field that must be treated with meyiramnya every day. 

Synthetic grass or artificial turf requires no water in treatment, because the grass ftsal is designed and made with ingredients that are anti to the water. So, to maintain a grass field that uses l utsal is in need of the following:

This is done to avoid damage to the grass futsal fast in use in futsal. Not infrequently used synthetic grass quickly loose during installation due to negligence or synthetic grass is also friction of the shoes the players. 

And grass futsal often damaged due to sweat futsal players falling on synthetic turf, causing rapid adhesive glue off of carpet futsal. Check the physical condition of the grass futsal regularly eg 1 week or longer than 1 month.

Clean grass Futsal From Dust. Use the vacuum cleaner to suck out the dust that is on the grass futsal. Do that regularly and make it a habit before futsal open hours of operation. This is for the convenience of all the players who use the futsal court.

Make the applicability of Rule Golf Futsal. Before futsal used, get used to inform tenants about their futsal court rules it, such as: banned spitting in futsal, mandatory to wear sneakers / futsal, apada mandatory to wear shirts while playing futsal in the field, the players make use of other equipment (decker, socks, gloves for goalkeepers).

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